Couples Counseling
Couples come in all shapes and sizes. They can include married couples, dating couples, life partners and anything in between. Couples counseling is a type of psychotherapy that helps all types of relationships explore, recognize and resolve conflicts in an effort to improve their interactions.It allows both parties to talk about their feelings with a neutral third party in a safe and confidential environment. Marriage and Family Therapist are trained to listen empathetically while using a Family Systems approach rather than an individual perspective. Whereas in individual counseling the therapist is fully supportive of the client, in couples counseling the therapist strives to find a balance between the conflicting needs and goals of each partner. Your therapist will give you tools to clarify your communication, help you manage your responses differently and explore individual insights that might be effecting you as a couple.
What is Systems Theory?
Systems theory is an interdisciplinary theory about the nature of complex systems in nature, society, and science, and is a framework by which one can investigate and/or describe any group of objects that work together to produce some result.
Why is it important that your therapist is rained in it?
Read the book Attached!
How It Can Help You Find-And Keep-Love
5 Love Languages: You love each other, right?
So why does it feel like you’re not on the same page? The most common issue in any relationship is the communication barrier. Everyone experiences love differently, and it’s easy to miss the mark when it comes to showing that you care. With a little help from The 5 Love Languages®, you can learn to identify the root of your conflicts, give and receive love in more meaningful ways, and grow closer than ever.
Straight to the quizzes
Take a free couples assessment?
The Gottman Institute offers research based information about what helps relationships last and a free online assessment you can take with your partner.
Is Couples Counseling is right for you?
Making the choice to go to Couples Counseling can feel like a very big step. It involves admitting that things are not perfect in your partnership, which is often tough to do and scary to admit.
Couples Counseling: What’s it all about and should you go?
Valentine’s Day is all about the romantic, idealistic side of love. While it can be fun and meaningful to celebrate your relationship with your spouse or partner (if you have one), the reality is that relationships can be hard. The Hollywood, happily-ever-after ideal image of relationships makes for enjoyable movies, but it’s not realistic—in the real world it takes a lot of awareness and maturity to maintain a healthy relationship.